Sister Christina Heltsley Receives Honorary Doctorate, Delivers Commencement Address at USF

Sister Christina Heltsley, OP, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, and delivered the commencement address for the University of San Francisco, CA, School of Education in May. “Your unwavering dedication to the principles of education, service, and spiritual growth reflects our hoped-for ideals of your Jesuit education and resonates deeply with the mission of USF,” wrote Rev. Paul J. Fitzgerald, SJ, president of USF. “Your extraordinary work while serving 20+ years as the executive director of the St. Francis Center in Redwood City (CA) demonstrates your unwavering commitment to fostering compassion, understanding, and social justice and aligns elegantly with the values of your alma mater and the Dominican Order. In your role as prioress, you bring your spiritual gifts to governance for the good of the Order and all of the people your Sisters serve. . . . You have demonstrated exceptional leadership and vision, particularly in your efforts to promote inclusivity and empower marginalized communities.” Christina’s address can be viewed at