Sinsinawa dominican sisters
The 4 Essentials of Our Lives
There are four essential elements to Dominican life: community, prayer, study, and ministry. Community bears witness to the Gospel we preach, and, together with prayer and study, becomes a vital source of our ministry.
We believe that at the heart of ministry is relationship. As a matter of fact, we believe that relationship is at the heart of EVERYTHING in our lives and in the universe!
Community life challenges us to grow through our shared experiences of prayer, study, and ministry. However we engage in the ministry of teaching and preaching, it is in learning to be with others that we become our best selves. Each day presents opportunities for spiritual growth and a deepening of self-knowledge and energizes us to take an active role in the issues of Church and society.
Still, Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa are not all alike! We reflect diversity in ages, cultures, personalities, and gifts. We come from all parts of the U.S. and even from other parts of the world. There are no limits to what women in community can do when we are deeply rooted in faith and strengthened by the presence of God in our midst. Together we proclaim the Good News of God’s love and the promise of justice and peace. This is our hope for the world.
Each Sinsinawa Dominican Sister desires to grow in relationship with God present in creation and in all people. Each desires to experience the mystery of God through meditation and the prayer of heart.
Contemplation and friendship with God is nourished in prayer. Sinsinawa Dominicans pray in many different ways. Christian liturgy is a very human way of worshiping God. It is a time when we listen to readings and interpretations of those readings from the Bible. We receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the sacrament of Eucharist and pray together as a family. We also take time for personal prayer and reflection.
The Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters also pray for the intentions of others. If you would like to partner with the Sisters in prayer, you can submit your prayer request to us.
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters value education for themselves as well as for all people with whom they minister. Sisters are encouraged and supported in continuing their academic, professional, and artistic studies, using every tool available to expand their knowledge and skills and deepen their personal wisdom. By participating in the unfolding of truth through study and contemplation, Sinsinawa Dominicans live their mission to proclaim the Good News of God’s love.
Study is both an activity and a way of life. The call to study is an imperative of the Dominican vocation because Dominicans are entrusted with the ministry of preaching and teaching the Gospel. Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters have inherited from their founder, Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, a rich tradition of the study of theology and the Scriptures, the arts, and the social and natural sciences.
The Sinsinawa Dominicans engage in a lifelong commitment to serious thought, to contemplation, and to informed action which alone can discover some solution to human suffering and help to bring about a new creation.
We believe that at the heart of ministry is relationship: with the Trinity, Christ, Church, one another, and all of creation.
Sinsinawa Dominicans are committed to participating with others to build a holy and just Church and society in the United States and abroad through ministry, or service to others. Our Sisters are called to a wide variety of ministries. Some are teachers, counselors, and caregivers. Others are doctors, lawyers, and spiritual directors.