Weekly Preaching

On Mission Together

The Third Sunday of Easter
April 14, 2024

Luke 24:35-48

This Gospel is perhaps the first time some of the disciples encountered the risen Jesus. While several of the disciples were gathered, Jesus appeared and “stood in their midst!” He spoke gently, “Peace be with you!” He calms their terror and confusion, shows them his wounds, and reassures them that he is Jesus. He is their teacher and friend! Their uncertainty gradually turns to immense joy! Then Jesus gives the disciples a lesson of the prophets from the Old Testament. His teaching helps the disciples begin to understand the PLAN/MISSION! They may be realizing that this is potentially a new chapter in their lives, a deeper presence with God, a new beginning. The disciples are not alone! Jesus reassures them!   

Jesus is sending the disciples out on MISSION, a new adventure, and he will not leave them. He wants them to linger among the ordinary people and carry the presence of God. We are not alone! Jesus reassures us daily or at least as often as we are willing to listen. We are not alone!   

Whether it is a small task or encounter with a new person, God is there. From the tiniest events to the most complicated and terrorizing situations that we may find ourselves in, the Holy Spirit is with us. We breathe in the energy that Jesus gives, and we are not alone! Mary Magdalene is likely a wonderful companion for us as we sometimes have to reach out into the unknown! Our MISSION in life or our MISSION for the day or moment may come to us in a simple form or task. Or it may come to us in small parts or big steps. We are not alone! 

by Dominican Associate of Sinsinawa Mary Goonan