Weekly Preaching

What Does It Mean to Be Christian?

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 15, 2024

Isaiah 50:5-9a
Psalm 116
James 2:14-18
Mark 8:25-27


In this passage from Mark, Jesus asks the disciples these two questions: “Who do people say I am?” and “Who do you say I am?” Could Jesus be like us in our wonderings about how we are seen? I doubt it.

What strikes me is his way of helping the disciples find their own voice or insights regardless of what others may think. Those beyond the disciples have lots of ideas about Jesus’ identity. What the disciples came to know (through what Peter voiced) is the Christ identity of Jesus.

All three synoptic Gospels have similar accounts with the words “You are the Christ” on Peter’s lips. In John’s Gospel, it is Martha who speaks these words. I have suggested this just might be the original creed of the fledgling Church. It comes from the experience of the encounter with The One. It is authentic. And it is fraught with danger–the danger of pushing back, as Peter also has done in this Gospel passage, only to be reminded (not so gently) that he has fallen victim to the world’s thinking.

The danger in our own time, especially in this time in our country, is when there is profound misconception about what it means to be Christian.

Today, allow Jesus to ask these questions of us: “Who do people say I am?” and “Who do you say I am?” This week, pray with these questions, watch the news with these questions, and go about your daily life with these questions. What answers arise for you?

by Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa Roberta Popara, OP