Sister Therese (Michaelita) Maher, OP, died May 27, 2023. Professed in 1953, she taught and/or was the counselor in the following schools: St. John Cathedral, Milwaukee; St. Joseph, Sioux Falls, SD; Anaconda Central, Anaconda, MT; Bishop Lynch, Dallas; St. Mary Junior and Senior High Schools, Cheyenne, WY; and Bethlehem Academy, Faribault, MN. Sr. Therese served as purchasing agent and dietary assistant at St. Joseph Gerontology Center, Alliance, NE; assistant director at Discovery House, Anaconda, MT; mail and transportation staff member at St. Dominic Villa, Dubuque, IA; and attendance officer at St. Pius X High School, Atlanta. She ministered as pastoral assistant at Sacred Heart Parish, Texarkana, TX; visitor to the sick and aging at St. Mary Parish, Cheyenne, WY; and volunteer at Caritas Center, Spokane, WA. Sr. Therese reached out in faith to those around her. May she rest in peace. Click here to send a memorial online.